
New Website

Welcome to our new website! This new website is now powered by Hugo and hosted on GitHub! Our old site was a forum powered by Zetaboards forum software but at this point we use discord more then our forums, so the old forums is just deadweight at this point. We needed something more simple and easy to maintain as a nice static advertisement and information center for our community.

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February Updates

Quick Re-cap for January In January we saw the gw2 team complete several raids including Bandit Trio (with a attempt at Matthias in which we got smacked down but, we will destroy him someday!) which we posted a video of here: Outside of that: the D2 team steadily gained members, has numerous raids, and is doing great in pvp. the GW2 team added a new event night on wednesdays thanks to our new event manager Sacvendeozirosa(#6512) the Hypixel team has also gained members and plans more things (04DYS keeping us in suspense) in the future the warframe team also gained some members Birthdays Please wish our leap year boi Thadei a happy birthday on the 28th (tho its actually on the 29th and all that) if anyone else is having a birthday this month: Happy birthday!

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